Cool & Refreshing Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe In No Time

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Immerse yourself in a refreshing oasis with our Summer Breeze Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe, a blissful blend of juicy watermelon, ripe tomatoes, and crisp cucumbers. This chilled symphony creates a dance of sweet and savory, with a zesty hint of lime and a whisper of mint. Each spoonful is a splash of coolness, promising to quench your thirst and delight your palate. Drizzled with a touch of olive oil, this vibrant soup is a celebration of summer’s bounty, a feast for the senses in every exquisite bite.

Welcome, epicureans! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the refreshing depths of a summer staple with an unexpected twist – Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe.

This vibrant and refreshing dish, a creative spin on the traditional Andalusian chilled soup, is set to become your go-to for balmy afternoons and sun-drenched garden gatherings. 

Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe

This fusion of juicy watermelon, crunchy cucumber, and ripe tomatoes creates a beautifully balanced symphony of flavors, an irresistible dance of sweet and savory.

Drawing inspiration from the sun-soaked plains of southern Spain, our Watermelon Gazpacho marries traditional culinary wisdom with innovative gastronomy. 

This standout recipe brings delight to your taste buds and offers a treasure trove of essential nutrients and hydrating properties. 

Stay with us as we unveil the magic behind this deceptively simple dish, promising a journey of discovery and satisfaction that will leave you wanting more. Ready to beat the summer heat in style? Let’s create a culinary masterpiece together.

What Is Watermelon Gazpacho?

Watermelon gazpacho is a refreshing, chilled soup that’s perfect for hot summer days.

This dish is a creative twist on traditional gazpacho, a cold soup from Andalusia, southern Spain, which is usually made with ripe tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, onion, garlic, olive oil, vinegar, and bread soaked in water.

Watermelon gazpacho replaces some or all of the tomatoes with watermelon. The natural sweetness of the watermelon beautifully balances the savory flavors of the other ingredients and adds a refreshing note. 

The soup is generally pureed until smooth and served cold. Ingredients such as cucumber, bell pepper, and herbs may be added as a garnish, providing a delightful crunch contrast to the smooth soup.

It’s a healthy, hydrating, and Nutrient-Rich Dish that’s ideal as a light appetizer or a palate cleanser between courses.

Like traditional gazpacho, watermelon gazpacho is usually enjoyed in the warmer months, taking full advantage of the watermelon season.

Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe

Can You Vary The Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe With Other Ingredients?

The beauty of a dish like Watermelon Gazpacho is its versatility. Modifying the recipe according to dietary restrictions or personal preferences is easy. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Keto Variation Watermelon Gazpacho can be made keto-friendly by reducing the amount of watermelon, which is high in natural sugars, and increasing the amount of cucumber or bell pepper. Additionally, you can add some avocado to the mix for healthy fats.
  • Paleo Variation This recipe is already Paleo-friendly. You need to ensure the hot sauce and red wine vinegar you use are Paleo-approved, as some brands might contain added sugars or preservatives.
  • Gluten-Free Variation Watermelon Gazpacho is naturally gluten-free, as none of the ingredients typically contain gluten.
  • Whole30 Variation For a Whole30-compliant version, ensure your hot sauce and vinegar don’t contain added sugars or sulfites. Also, consider using a compliant oil like avocado oil instead of olive oil if needed.
  • Adding Proteins To add protein to this soup, topping it with grilled shrimp or chunks of grilled chicken.
  • Adding Different Fruits For a different flavor profile, try swapping out part of the watermelon for other melons like cantaloupe or honeydew. Or add some ripe peaches or mangoes for a sweet and tangy twist.
  • Adjusting The Heat Add some jalapeno or serrano peppers to your gazpacho if you like it spicier.
  • Herb Variations Swap out basil and parsley for fresh mint or cilantro for a different flavor profile.
Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe

Recipe Directions

  • Preparation Of Ingredients: Start by preparing all your ingredients. Dice the watermelon, cucumber, and bell pepper. Chop the fresh basil and flat-leaf parsley. Mince the shallot.
  • Blend The Base: In a blender, combine 6 cups of the diced watermelon, the majority of the cucumber (reserving some for garnish), bell pepper, chopped basil, parsley, red wine vinegar, minced shallot, olive oil, kosher salt, lime juice, green Tabasco sauce, and a few grinds of fresh black pepper. Blend until smooth.
  • Adjust Seasoning: Taste the gazpacho and adjust the seasoning as needed. You should add more salt, vinegar, or Tabasco, according to your preference.
  • Chill: Pour the blended soup into a large container and refrigerate for at least 2 hours to allow the flavors to meld together.
  • Prepare The Garnish: While the soup is chilling, prepare your garnishes with the reserved ingredients. This would be some of the diced watermelon, cucumber, bell pepper, a sprinkle of minced shallot, fresh basil, parsley, and a drizzle of olive oil.
  • Serve: Once chilled, serve the gazpacho in individual bowls or glasses, topped with the garnish. Add an extra squeeze of lime juice, a few drops of green Tabasco sauce, and a sprinkle of black pepper, if desired.
Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe

Variations, Add Ons, And Toppings

Watermelon Gazpacho is a versatile dish that lends itself well to a variety of add-ons, toppings, and variations. Here are a few ideas:


  • Adding Protein: Grilled shrimp, crabmeat, or even grilled chicken can boost protein.
  • Other Fruits: Add other fruits like strawberries, peaches, or grapes for a different flavor profile.
  • Spicy Gazpacho: Incorporate jalapeno or habanero peppers for those who like a bit more heat.


  • Avocado: Diced avocado can add creaminess and a dose of healthy fats.
  • Cheese: A sprinkle of feta or goat cheese can add a tangy contrast to the sweet watermelon.
  • Nuts: A handful of toasted almonds or pistachios can add a satisfying crunch and richness.


  • Herbs: Fresh mint, chives, or even microgreens can add a fresh and flavorful finish.
  • Croutons: Homemade croutons add a wonderful texture contrast.
  • Edible Flowers: If you’re aiming for a dramatic presentation, a scattering of edible flowers can make your gazpacho look like a piece of art!
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Can I Make The Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe In A Slow Cooker Or Instant Pot?

Watermelon Gazpacho is a cold, no-cook soup traditionally prepared by blending or finely chopping the ingredients together. The ingredients are then allowed to chill and meld together in the refrigerator before serving.

Therefore, using a slow cooker or Instant Pot, which are designed for cooking or heating food, would be optional or recommended for this recipe.

These appliances would warm the ingredients, which is contrary to the desired outcome for a gazpacho.

However, you could use an Instant Pot with a blender attachment, or any other type of blender, to puree the ingredients if you prefer a smoother gazpacho.

Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe

Can I Use Store Brought Broth, Or Should I Make My Own?

Traditional Watermelon Gazpacho doesn’t typically require broth, as the watermelon, cucumber, and other fresh ingredients provide the liquid base for this refreshing, no-cook soup. The ingredients are usually blended together, then chilled and served cold.

Store-Bought Broth

  • This is a convenient option that can save you time. When choosing store-bought broth, look for low-sodium versions so you can control the salt content in your soup. Also, consider brands with minimal additives or preservatives for a healthier choice.

Homemade Broth 

  • If you have the time and inclination, homemade broth can elevate the flavor of your soup. You can control the ingredients and seasoning to your liking. Homemade vegetable broth could be a great addition to gazpacho, enhancing its freshness and depth of flavor.
Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe

How To Serve?

Watermelon Gazpacho is a versatile dish that can be served in many ways, catering to casual and formal occasions. Here’s how to serve it best:

  • Chill It: The refreshing nature of Watermelon Gazpacho shines when it’s served cold. Once prepared, chill the soup in the fridge for at least 2 hours before serving.
  • Garnish Thoughtfully: Use a sprinkle of the reserved diced watermelon, cucumber, bell pepper, and a dash of freshly chopped herbs like basil and parsley. A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil just before serving can add a rich smoothness and enhance the overall flavor.
  • Serve In The Right Dishware: For a formal setting, serve the gazpacho in chilled soup bowls or sophisticated glass dishware to showcase its vibrant color. Consider serving the soup in clear cups or mason jars for a more casual or outdoor setting for a rustic touch.
  • Complement With A Side: Pair the gazpacho with a simple side like a slice of crusty bread or a light salad. This provides a texture contrast and makes the meal more satisfying.
  • Pair With Wine: If you enjoy wine with your meal, a crisp white wine like a Sauvignon Blanc or a Rosé pairs wonderfully with the fruity, tangy flavors of the Watermelon Gazpacho.
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Perfect Side Dishes

  • Crusty Bread for Bruschetta: A slice of crusty bread or bruschetta is perfect for dipping into the gazpacho and provides a contrasting texture. You can also rub a clove of garlic on the bread for added flavor.
  • Grilled Seafood Or Chicken: The smoky, savory flavors of grilled shrimp or chicken skewers pair beautifully with the sweet and tangy taste of the watermelon gazpacho.
  • Summer Salads: A light, fresh salad with ingredients like mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, and a vinaigrette dressing would complement the gazpacho nicely. A cucumber and tomato salad would also work well.
  • Cheese And Olive Platter: A simple platter of mixed olives and cheeses can provide a rich, savory contrast to the sweet and tangy gazpacho.
  • Quinoa or Couscous Salad: Chilled salad made from quinoa or couscous with plenty of fresh vegetables and a lemony dressing can be a nutritious and satisfying side.
  • Cold Pasta Salad: A simple pasta salad with a light vinaigrette and some fresh vegetables would be a nice accompaniment.
Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe

Storage And Make Ahead

Storage Tips

  • Cool Storage: Gazpacho must be stored in the refrigerator. Use an airtight container to keep it fresh and prevent it from absorbing other flavors from the fridge.
  • Shelf Life: Watermelon Gazpacho is best enjoyed within 1-2 days of preparation. The freshness of the ingredients will start to diminish after that.
  • Do Not Freeze: Freezing Watermelon Gazpacho is not recommended. The texture of the watermelon and other fresh ingredients will change, becoming mushy when thawed.
  • Stir Before Serving: Ingredients may settle or separate slightly while stored. Give the gazpacho a good stir before serving to redistribute the flavors.

Make-Ahead Tips

  • Prep Ingredients: Chop the watermelon, cucumbers, bell peppers, and onions ahead of time. Store them in separate containers in the refrigerator to keep them fresh.
  • Blend Just Before Serving: For the best texture and flavor, blend the ingredients together a few hours before serving. This allows the flavors to meld without losing the vibrant color and freshness.
  • Season to Taste: Adjust the seasoning (salt, pepper, vinegar, or lime juice) just before serving. The flavors can change slightly as the gazpacho chills.
  • Garnishes: Prepare any garnishes like chopped herbs, croutons, or additional chopped vegetables ahead of time. Add these just before serving to maintain their texture and freshness.
Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe

What Can We Do With Leftovers?

If you find yourself with leftover Watermelon Gazpacho, there are several creative ways to repurpose it:

  • Salad Dressing: Blend the gazpacho until it is smooth, and use it as a dressing for fresh green salads. The vibrant, tangy flavors of the gazpacho make it an excellent dressing.
  • Soup Base: Use the leftover gazpacho as a base for other cold soup variations. You could add different fruits or vegetables to change the flavor profile.
  • Marinade: The acidic components of gazpacho make it a good marinade for meats like chicken or fish.
  • Cocktail Mixer: Blend the leftover gazpacho until smooth and use it as a mixer for cocktails. It would pair well with spirits like vodka or tequila, creating a unique and refreshing summer drink.
  • Popsicles: For a fun twist, pour the gazpacho into popsicle molds and freeze them for a refreshing summer treat.


  • Select Ripe Watermelon: For the best flavor, use a ripe, seedless watermelon. It should be heavy for its size, indicating juiciness, with a deep, hollow sound when tapped.
  • Balance Flavors: Combine watermelon with tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers for a balance of sweet and savory. Add a small amount of red onion and garlic for depth.
  • Use Fresh Herbs: Fresh mint or basil pairs wonderfully with watermelon. Add them to the gazpacho to enhance its fresh, summery taste.
  • Acidity is Key: A splash of vinegar (red wine or sherry vinegar) or lime juice can brighten the flavors. Start with a little and adjust to taste.
  • Season Properly: Don’t forget salt and pepper. They bring out the flavors of the ingredients and can dramatically improve the taste of your gazpacho.
  • Chill Before Serving: Gazpacho should be served cold. Chill it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving to allow the flavors to meld together.
  • Texture Matters: For a smoother gazpacho, blend thoroughly. For a chunkier texture, pulse lightly or chop some of the ingredients by hand and mix them in.
Cool & Refreshing Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe In No Time

Cool & Refreshing Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe In No Time

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Course: Soup Recipes


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Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe is a vibrant, refreshing, and chilled soup that’s a perfect antidote to hot summer days. It’s a delightful blend of satisfying and light flavors, packed with ripe, sweet watermelon, crisp cucumber, bell pepper, and a mix of fresh herbs. 


  • 8 Cups 8 Diced Seedless Watermelon

  • 1 Medium 1 Seedless (English) Cucumber (Finely Diced)

  • 1/2 1/2 Red Or Orange Bell Pepper (Finely Diced)

  • 1/4 Cup 1/4 Fresh Basil (Chopped)

  • 1/4 Cup 1/4 Flat-Leaf Parsley (Chopped)

  • 3 Tbsp 3 Red Wine Vinegar

  • 2 Tbsp 2 Minced Shallot

  • 2 Tbsp 2 Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

  • 3/4 Tsp 3/4 Kosher Salt (Or More To Taste)

  • 1 1 Lime Juice

  • 2 Tsp 2 Green Tabasco Sauce (Or More To Taste)

  • Fresh Black Pepper (To Taste)

  • For Garnishing
  • 2 Cups 2 Diced Seedless Watermelon

  • 1/4 1/4 Seedless Cucumber (Finely Diced)

  • 1/4 1/4 Red or Orange Bell Pepper (Finely Diced)

  • Small Small Fresh Basil Leaves (For Garnishing)

  • A Few Sprigs A Few Sprigs Flat-Leaf Parsley (For Garnishing)

  • Red Wine Vinegar (A Drizzle)

  • Minced Shallot (A Sprinkle)

  • Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (A Drizzle)

  • Kosher Salt (A Sprinkle)

  • Lime (A Squeeze)

  • Green Tabasco Sauce (A Few Drops)

  • Fresh Black Pepper (A Sprinkle)

Step-By-Step Directions

  • Preparation Of Ingredients
    Start by preparing all your ingredients. Dice the watermelon, cucumber, and bell pepper. Chop the fresh basil and flat-leaf parsley. Mince the shallot.
  • Blend The Base
    In a blender, combine 6 cups of the diced watermelon, the majority of the cucumber (reserving some for garnish), bell pepper, chopped basil, parsley, red wine vinegar, minced shallot, olive oil, kosher salt, lime juice, green Tabasco sauce, and a few grinds of fresh black pepper. Blend until smooth.
  • Adjust Seasoning
    Taste the gazpacho and adjust the seasoning as needed. You should add more salt, vinegar, or Tabasco, according to your preference.
  • Chill
    Pour the blended soup into a large container and refrigerate for at least 2 hours to allow the flavors to meld together.
  • Prepare The Garnish 
    While the soup is chilling, prepare your garnishes with the reserved ingredients. This would be some of the diced watermelon, cucumber, bell pepper, a sprinkle of minced shallot, fresh basil, parsley, and a drizzle of olive oil
  • Serve
    Once chilled, serve the gazpacho in individual bowls or glasses, topped with the garnish. Add an extra squeeze of lime juice, a few drops of green Tabasco sauce, and a sprinkle of black pepper, if desired.
  • Blender Or Food Processor
  • Sharp Knife
  • Cutting Board
  • Measuring Cups And Spoons
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Refrigerator
  • Serving Bowls


  • Choosing The Watermelon: Opt for ripe, juicy watermelons for the best flavor. Seedless varieties are preferable for convenience.
  • Chilling Time: For the best taste, allow the gazpacho to chill in the refrigerator for at least a few hours before serving. This helps the flavors meld together beautifully.
  • Texture: If you prefer a smoother gazpacho, feel free to blend all the ingredients together. However, if you like some texture, blend only half the ingredients and mix the other half in for a chunkier soup.
  • Adjust To Taste: Feel free to adjust the ingredients according to your taste. If you like it spicier, add more green Tabasco sauce. If you prefer a tangier flavor, more lime juice or vinegar can be added.
  • Serving Suggestions: Gazpacho is traditionally served cold, often with a garnish of the same ingredients that are in the soup. Serve it as a refreshing summer meal starter or a light lunch.
  • Dietary Modifications: This recipe is naturally vegan, gluten-free, and paleo-friendly. If you’re following a low-sodium diet, you may reduce the amount of added salt.

Nutrition Table 

Nutrition Table 

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soup chick!

You've entered a realm where each bowl isn't just a meal; it's an expedition to the core of comfort, well-being, and the sheer delight of feeding both body and soul. My name is Julia, and I'm here to navigate you through the flavorful worlds of Soup Chick. Together, we'll uncover the artistry behind each recipe, share stories that warm the heart, and celebrate the simple pleasures of making and enjoying soup.

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