Easy And Enjoyable Miracle Chicken Soup – A Perfect Nutrient Rich Recipe

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In a bustling kitchen, the Miracle Chicken Soup simmers, a potion of comfort and healing. Tender chicken dances with vibrant vegetables, while aromatic herbs whisper promises of wellness. Each spoonful is a sip of warmth, a hug from within. It’s not just a soup; it’s a remedy, a miracle in a bowl, soothing both body and soul with its nourishing embrace.

Discover the magic of Miracle Chicken Soup, a recipe that promises warmth, a burst of flavors, and health benefits. This soup instantly hits any dinner table, crafted with fresh herbs, succulent chicken, and nourishing vegetables. 

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It’s more than a meal; it’s comfort in a bowl. It’s ideal for chilly nights but a lifesaver when under the weather. Sip by sip, it rejuvenates you, filling the room with a mouth-watering aroma that beckons everyone. 

Prepared in simple steps, this soup embodies simplicity yet exudes sophistication. Unlock a culinary experience that nourishes both body and soul.Your quest for the ultimate chicken soup ends here. Stay tuned for the recipe that will become your new go-to.

What Is Miracle Chicken Soup?

Miracle Chicken Soup is an irresistible blend of tender chicken, fresh vegetables, and aromatic herbs simmered to perfection. This soup doesn’t just warm your belly; it nourishes your soul. 

It offers comfort and essential nutrients, ideal for cold evenings or when you’re not feeling your best. The recipe features a harmonious blend of flavors, elevating the humble chicken soup into a gourmet experience. 

Simple to prepare yet rich in taste, Miracle Chicken Soup is more than a dish—it’s a bowl of well-being.

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Can You Vary The Recipe With Other Ingredients?

Miracle Chicken Soup recipe is incredibly versatile and can be adapted to various dietary needs:

  • Keto Replace root vegetables like potatoes with low-carb options like cauliflower. Skip the mung bean noodles.
  • Paleo Use zucchini noodles instead of mung bean noodles and ensure all ingredients are Paleo-approved.
  • Gluten-Free The original recipe is already gluten-free. Just confirm that your vinegar and any added seasoning are gluten-free, too.
  • Whole30 Omit the mung bean noodles and stick to Whole30-compliant vegetables and seasonings.
  • Vegetarian Substitute the chicken with hearty mushrooms like shiitake or portobello and use vegetable broth.
  • Vegan Along with mushrooms for substance, use a rich vegetable broth and substitute the chicken with plant-based protein like tofu or tempeh.
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Recipe Directions

  • Preparation: Place chicken, vinegar, ginger, and garlic in a stockpot. Cover with cold water.
  • Cooking: Bring to a simmer on medium heat. Reduce to a low simmer for 60 minutes. Remove scum.
  • Add Veggies: Include onion, carrots, celery, and assorted vegetables. Cook for another 60 minutes.
  • Meat Removal: Take out chicken, debone, and return 1 cup of meat to pot.
  • Seasoning: Add salt.
  • Final Touch: Include mung bean noodles. Cook for 2 minutes.
  • Serving: Ladle into bowls.
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Variations, Add-Ons, And Toppings 


  • Asian Twist: Add lemongrass star anise and replace regular noodles with rice noodles for a pho-like experience.
  • Mediterranean Vibe: Incorporate olives, capers, and a touch of lemon zest.


  • Protein Boost: Add tofu, tempeh, or chickpea cubes for extra nutrition.
  • Grains: Quinoa or barley can be integrated for a fuller, heartier soup.


  • Herbs: Fresh basil, parsley, cilantro, or dill can enhance aroma and flavor.
  • Heat: Red pepper flakes, hot sauce, or freshly sliced jalapeños offer a kick.
  • Crunch: Top with croutons, toasted sesame seeds, or even crushed roasted nuts.
  • Umami Pop: A dash of soy sauce or a sprinkle of nutritional yeast can elevate the soup’s depth.
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Can I Make Miracle Chicken Soup In A Slow Cooker Or Instant Pot?

Miracle Chicken Soup can be adapted for Slow Cooker and Instant Pot methods, offering ease and convenience.

Slow Cooker

  • Place the chicken and initial ingredients into the slow cooker.
  • Set on low for 6-8 hours. Add vegetables and seasoning about an hour before it’s done.
  • Remove chicken, debone, and return meat to the pot.
  • Add mung bean noodles last, as they cook quickly.

Instant Pot

  • Use the “Sauté” function for initial simmering, then switch to “Manual” or “Pressure Cook” for 25 minutes.
  • Perform a natural release, remove chicken, and add vegetables and noodles.
  • Use “Sauté” again for final cooking and seasoning adjustments.
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Can I Use Store Bought Broth, Or Should I Make My Own?

Both store-bought and homemade broths can work for Miracle Chicken Soup, depending on your time, preferences, and dietary needs.

Store-Bought Broth

  • Convenience: It’s quick and easy, saving you time on simmering and skimming.
  • Consistency: Commercial broths offer a uniform flavor profile.
  • Options: Many stores provide organic, low-sodium, and flavored varieties.

Homemade Broth

  • Flavor: You control the seasoning, resulting in a richer, more personalized taste.
  • Nutrition: Homemade allows you to omit preservatives or excessive salt.
  • Economy: Utilizing leftovers like chicken bones or vegetable scraps makes it cost-effective.
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How To Serve? The Miracle Chicken Soup At Its Best?

Serving Miracle Chicken Soup at its best involves more than just ladling it into a bowl. Here are some tips to elevate your experience:

  • Temperature: Serve hot but not scalding. A warm bowl will also keep the soup hot longer.
  • Bowl Choice: Opt for wide, shallow bowls to showcase the soup’s colorful ingredients.
  • Fresh Garnish: Sprinkle some fresh herbs, such as parsley or chives, for a pop of color and added flavor.
  • Side Options: Offer crusty whole-grain bread, oyster crackers, or a lemon wedge for added texture and flavor.
  • Timing: Serve immediately after cooking to capture the most vibrant flavors and textures.
  • Pairing: Complement with a light salad or a glass of white wine for a nourishing meal.
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Perfect Side Dishes To Complement Miracle Chicken Soup

The versatility of Miracle Chicken Soup makes it a fantastic canvas for an array of side dishes that can suit various occasions and tastes. Here are some perfect pairings:

  • Crusty Bread: A sourdough or French baguette slice can soak the broth wonderfully.
  • Green Salad: A simple leafy green salad with a light vinaigrette adds freshness and contrast.
  • Steamed Rice: Especially good if you want to make the meal more filling.
  • Grilled Vegetables: Zucchini, bell peppers, and eggplant add texture and color.
  • Cheese Platter: A selection of cheeses can elevate the dining experience.
  • Fruit Salad: A light and sweet end to a hearty meal.
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Storage And Make Ahead

  • Storage: Allow soup to cool completely before transferring to airtight containers. Store in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days.
  • Freezing: Freeze in portion-sized containers for longer storage, up to 3 months.
  • Reheating: Reheat gently on the stovetop over low heat or in the microwave until warmed through.
  • Make Ahead: Prepare soup ahead of time and refrigerate or freeze. Allow extra time for reheating when serving.
  • Thawing: If frozen, thaw overnight in the refrigerator before reheating.
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What Can We Do With Leftovers?

Leftovers of Miracle Chicken Soup offer a world of culinary possibilities:

  • Chicken Salad: Shred the remaining chicken and toss it with greens, veggies, and a light vinaigrette.
  • Stir-Fry: Use the leftover vegetables and chicken in a quick stir-fry with your favorite sauce.
  • Casserole: Combine the chicken and vegetables with cheese and breadcrumbs, then bake until golden.
  • Grain Bowl: Layer the leftovers over quinoa or rice, adding a drizzle of sauce or dressing.
  • Tacos or Wraps: Use the chicken and veggies as fillings for tacos or wraps, adding some salsa or guacamole.
  • Omelet: Stir the chicken and veggies into a morning omelet or frittata.
  • Pizza Topping: Scatter the chicken and veggies over pizza dough, add cheese, and bake.
  • Pasta Dish: Mix the chicken and vegetables into cooked pasta, along with some olive oil or pesto.
  • Stock: Don’t forget to use the bones to make another stock batch.
  • Dog Food: After checking for dog-safe ingredients, you could treat your pet to nutritious leftovers.


  • Use Quality Ingredients: Opt for fresh vegetables, high-quality chicken, and flavorful broth for the best results.
  • Season Well: Don’t skimp on herbs and spices. They add depth of flavor to the soup.
  • Simmer Slowly: Allow the soup to simmer gently to develop rich flavors and tender chicken.
  • Adjust Seasoning: Taste the soup before serving and adjust seasoning if necessary with salt, pepper, or herbs.
  • Garnish Creatively: Finish with a garnish like fresh herbs, grated cheese, or a squeeze of lemon for added freshness.
Easy And Enjoyable Miracle Chicken Soup - A Perfect Nutrient Rich Recipe

Easy And Enjoyable Miracle Chicken Soup – A Perfect Nutrient Rich Recipe

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Course: Soup Recipes


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Miracle Chicken Soup is more than just a meal; it’s comfort in a bowl. This soup doesn’t just warm your body—it soothes the soul, packed with wholesome ingredients like fresh veggies, ginger, and a medley of aromatic spices.


  • 1 1 Whole cock or chicken (preferably including head and feet)

  • 1 tablespoon 1 Apple cider vinegar

  • 4 quarts 4 Cold filtered water

  • 1 inch piece 1 Fresh ginger  (peeled and cut into 5 pieces)

  • 3 3 Garlic cloves (peeled and smashed)

  • 1 1 Large onion (peeled and thinly sliced)

  • 2 2 Carrots (peeled and sliced on an angle)

  • 2 2 Celery sticks (thinly sliced)

  • 3 cups 3 Assorted diced vegetables (leafy greens, green beans, turnips, potatoes, or other)

  • Sea salt (To taste)

  • 3 ounces 3 Mung bean noodles

Step-By-Step Directions

  • Preparation Steps
    Initial Setup: Get your stockpot and ingredients ready on the kitchen counter.
    Chicken Placement: Place the whole cock or chicken into the stockpot.
    Ingredient Addition: Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, fresh ginger, and garlic cloves to the pot.
    Water Filling: Pour about 4 quarts of cold filtered water into the pot, ensuring the chicken is covered.
  • Cooking
    Initial Cooking: Cover the stockpot on medium heat and bring the liquid to a simmer.
    Heat Reduction and Skimming: Lower the heat to maintain a gentle simmer. Cover and let it cook for 60 minutes, occasionally skimming off any scum that floats to the top.
  • Blending Flavors
    Vegetable Introduction: Add the sliced onion, carrots, celery sticks, and your choice of assorted vegetables.
    Extended Cooking: Let the pot simmer for another 60 minutes to meld the flavors together.
  • Final Touches
    Meat Separation: Carefully lift out the chicken from the broth. Debone the chicken, setting aside the bones for future stock. Add about 1 cup of the cooked chicken meat back into the pot.
    Seasoning: Season the soup generously with sea salt to taste.
  • Serving
    Ladle and Serve: Use a ladle to pour the hot Miracle Chicken Soup into individual bowls.
  • Additional Options
    Herbs: Feel free to garnish with fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro.
    Heat: For those who like it spicy, offer some hot sauce or chili flakes on the side.
  • Equipment List
  • Stockpot
  • Ladle
  • Sharp Knives
  • Cutting Board
  • Strainer
  • Measuring Spoons/Cups
  • Tongs
  • Storage Containers
  • Thermometer
  • Slow Cooker/Instant Pot


  • Make-Ahead: The flavors meld better when made in advance.
  • Spice Variations: Feel free to adjust the spices according to your taste.
  • Vegetable Options: You can switch out vegetables depending on the season.
  • Bone Broth: Using bone broth instead of water adds extra nutrients and flavor.
  • Noodle Choices: Substitute mung bean noodles with rice or whole-grain pasta for a different texture.
  • Serving Size: The recipe serves 4 but can be easily scaled up or down.
  • Storage: Lasts up to 3-4 days in the fridge and 2-3 months in the freezer.
  • Vegan Option: Substitute chicken with tofu and use vegetable broth for a vegan version.
  • Skimming: Don’t skip skimming the top layer of the stock for a clear broth.
  • Garnish: Fresh herbs like parsley or chives make a great garnish and add flavor.


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soup chick!

You've entered a realm where each bowl isn't just a meal; it's an expedition to the core of comfort, well-being, and the sheer delight of feeding both body and soul. My name is Julia, and I'm here to navigate you through the flavorful worlds of Soup Chick. Together, we'll uncover the artistry behind each recipe, share stories that warm the heart, and celebrate the simple pleasures of making and enjoying soup.

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